Filtro & Espresso

Frutos rojos, naranja, floral




Altitud de la Finca

 1.870-1.980 msnm.






 Pequeños productores


 Cosecha 2020

Banko Gothigi Specialty Coffee from Ethiopia

A classic Yirgacheffe cup profile. We already know that coffee goes beyond national and international boundaries and Banko Gothigi washing station demonstrates just that.

According to political boundaries, the station is in Gedeo Zone but according to the congruence of microclimates and tastes, the station and the farms that deliver to it are in Yirgacheffe.

This Natural from Banko Gothigi station is bursting with the delicate florals, jammy berries and warming chocolates we all know and love from Yirgacheffe.

Farming methods in the region remain largely traditional.

Yirgacheffe farmers typically intercrop their coffee plants with other food crops.

This method is common among smallholders because it maximizes land use and provides food for their families.

Banko Gothigi Ethiopia 2020 harvest from Yirgacheffe.

Organic by default

Además de intercalar diferentes cultivos entre los cafetos por tradición, la mayoría de las fincas/pequeños agricultores también son orgánicas por defecto.

Los agricultores de Yirgacheffe suelen utilizar muy pocos fertilizantes o pesticidas.

La mayor parte del trabajo agrícola se realiza manualmente por la familia inmediata.

Para aprovechar el magnífico clima, Banko Gothigi, ofrece capacitación para ayudar a los agricultores a producir café de mejor calidad.

La formación se centra en los procedimientos para cosecha y transporte.

Banko Gothigi Ethiopia 2020 harvest from Yirgacheffe.

Harvest and post-harvest

Los agricultores seleccionan manualmente las cerezas y las entregan a la estación de lavado de Banko Gothigi.

En la estación de lavado se clasifican manualmente las cerezas entrantes para eliminar cualquier cereza que no esté en su punto: algo verde, muy madura o dañada.

Seguidamente la cereza aceptada se pone a secar en capas delgadas en camas elevadas durante aproximadamente 21 días.

La estación de lavado tiene 89 camas de secado y cada una de ellas está marcada con un código que simplifica el seguimiento de trazabilidad y el estado del procesado.

Banko Gothigi Ethiopia 2020 harvest from Yirgacheffe.

Coffee in Ethiopia

While Ethiopia is famous as coffee’s birthplace, today it remains a specialty coffee industry darling for its incredible variety of flavors.

While full traceability has been difficult in recent history, new regulations have made direct purchasing possible.

Falcon Coffees, our importing partner, is partnering directly with farmers to help them produce top quality specialty lots that are now completely traceable, adding value for farmers and roasters alike.

The exceptional quality of Ethiopian coffee is due to a combination of factors.

The genetic diversity of coffee varieties means that we find a diversity of flavor, even between (or within) farms with similar growing conditions and processing.

In addition to varieties, processing methods also contribute to end quality.

The final key ingredients for excellent coffee in Ethiopia are the producing traditions that have created the genetic diversity, processing infrastructure and great coffee we enjoy today.

Banko Gothigi Ethiopia 2020 harvest from Yirgacheffe.

The producer

Most producers in Ethiopia are smallholders, and the majority continue to cultivate coffee using traditional methods.

As a result, most coffee is grown without chemical fertilizer or pesticide use.

Coffee is almost entirely cultivated, harvested and dried using manual systems.

Banko Gothigi Ethiopia 2020 harvest from Yirgacheffe.
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