Ineffable Specialty Coffee blog

This blog is meant to be a space to share with the coffee community; news,
events and relevant information about our coffee world.

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Kenya coffee from Nyeri smallholders

Kenya coffee from Nyeri smallholders

Kenya Coffee grown in the slopes of Mount Kenya at between 1650 y 1800 masl. Washed coffee with cupping notes to blackberry, blueberries, chocolate.

Ethiopia Guji natural Mi’essa Robe

Ethiopia Guji natural Mi’essa Robe

This is an Ethiopia Guji coffee with its own name: Mi’essa Robe, the responsible coffee farmer. Total traceability and cupping notes of blueberry, violet, white chocolate.

Colombia Pink Bourbon by Nestor Lasso

Colombia Pink Bourbon by Nestor Lasso

This coffee from producer Nestor Lassoo is from the Colombia Pink Bourbon variety processed with a double anaerobic fermentation, thermal shock and natural.

Ineffable Specialty Coffee blog

Ineffable Specialty Coffee blog 1

Knowledge and coffee culture

10 Coffee Benefits Backed by Science

10 Coffee Benefits Backed by Science

The benefits of coffee -or its possible harms- are a common conversation among coffee enthusiasts. And everyone has their own opinion. We want to give you the arguments, backed by science, so that no one ruins this great little pleasure for you..10 Coffee Benefits Backed by Science The English...

Coffee Grinders

Coffee Grinders

Coffee Grinders The Gilgamesh poem, whose composition is dated around 2500 BC., is the oldest epic narrative and one of the earliest examples of literary fiction. In one of its parts, the hero, Gilgamesh, plunges into the depths of the Persian Gulf to search for the "flower of immortality". These...

The origin of coffee, history and legend

The origin of coffee, history and legend

The origin of coffee, history and legendThe philosopher's stone, the Opus magnum of the alchemists, the legendary substance that everyone was looking for, capable of turning lead into gold and granting eternal youth to whoever obtained it, is a legend with a mystical foundation. The history of the...

10 great documentaries about coffee you have to watch

10 great documentaries about coffee you have to watch

Documentaries are great to educate yourself in an entertaining way. They offer us a glimpse into worlds that we would not otherwise know. They can tell great stories in a real way, without having to sacrifice audiovisual quality. From nature documentaries to those with social content, when they are well done…

Ground Coffee all you need to know in 2022

Ground Coffee all you need to know in 2022

Ground CoffeeMarco Polo is one of the best-known travellers and merchants, even though his travels took place in the 13th century. During his many trips, which led him to travel around Asia, especially present-day Mongolia and China, Marco Polo always traded. He travelled along the Silk Road and...

Coffee and cinema: a passionate relationship

Coffee and cinema: a passionate relationship

Coffee and cinema: a passionate relationshipEs conocido entre la gente del cine que las cámaras son caprichosas, hay cosas que les gustan y cosas que no. Por ejemplo, a una cámara le gusta cuando la brisa mece las hojas de un árbol. La primera escena de la película ‘A Bittersweet Life’ del coreano...

What is Cold Brew Coffee and how to make it

What is Cold Brew Coffee and how to make it

"Give me a sun, I care not how hot, and sherbat, I care not how cool, and my Heaven is as easily made as your Persian’s." Lord Byron wrote these words in 1813 praising the sherbat, a popular drink in the Middle East since the early Middle Ages. In 1626, the philosopher Francis Bacon had already...

French Press Coffee Maker aka Plunger Coffee

French Press Coffee Maker aka Plunger Coffee

A French Press is a full immersion brewing method. No, it does not mean that you fully immerse yourself in coffee (although sometimes it would not be a bad idea …) but from start all the coffee is in contact with water…

Anaerobic coffee fermentation

Anaerobic coffee fermentation

Anaerobic coffee fermentation Did you know that your muscles ferment? Well, maybe they should ferment. When you exercise very intensively (the kind of intense that makes you stiff the next day) your muscles produce lactic acid. Lactic acid is produced by glycolysis: the breakdown of carbohydrates...

Whole Bean Coffee

Whole Bean Coffee

Imagine that you have been entrusted with a message and asked to keep it a secret. It is in an envelope and addressed to a specific person. To deliver it you have to travel and find that person. Throughout the trip, you struggle to keep the message hidden, but you do everything possible so that it...

Specialty Coffee

Specialty Coffee

Specialty Coffee. Not All Coffees Are EqualAll coffees are equal, but some coffees are more equal than others. We wanted to start by paraphrasing George Orwell, with this sentence taken from his satirical novel ‘Animal farm’, because it will help us understand what specialty coffee is. All coffees...

Ineffable Specialty Coffee blog
Ineffable Specialty Coffee blog 1

Initiatives and collaborations

Ineffable Coffee by LITTLE

Ineffable Coffee by LITTLE

Ineffable Coffee by LITTLEA world of coffee inspired by love and magicWe are super excited to launch a new collaboration with local artist Pablo Rodríguez ‘LITTLE’ where we delve into his beautiful world of magic and unconditional love in a universe of coffee. To talk about Little's work is not to...

Ceramic cup in collaboration with Virgen Cerámica

Ceramic cup in collaboration with Virgen Cerámica

Ineffable Coffee x Virgen Cerámica is the crossroads between the worlds of specialty coffee and artisan ceramics. Two different worlds, with the same philosophy: the love for things well made. This precious cup is a representation of our continuous effort…

Support your local Coffee Shop

Support your local Coffee Shop

Support your local Coffee ShopBuy Ineffable Coffee online by using the code of your favorite coffee shop and they will receive 20% of your purchase. Big thanks to all of you who have supported and shared this small initiative to help those specialty coffee shops that were forced to close their...

Design and packaging: by Los Tipejos

Design and packaging: by Los Tipejos

Design and packaging: by Los Tipejos Our view on specialty coffee is that it is a lot more than just a regular cup of coffee. It is a process that involves the whole coffee chain, from seed to cup. A philosophy based on total respect for the product and the hard work of the people involved and...

The name of Ineffable Coffee Roasters

The name of Ineffable Coffee Roasters

The name of Ineffable Coffee Roasters The word Ineffable does reference to a feeling, causing much emotion, specially pleasure that goes beyond words. It is something unique and original that breaks the norm. In Andalucia, it is almost inevitable to have grown up drinking large quantities of...

Ineffable Specialty Coffee blog
Ineffable Specialty Coffee blog 1

Meet the producers

Kenya coffee from Nyeri smallholders

Kenya coffee from Nyeri smallholders

Kenya Coffee grown in the slopes of Mount Kenya at between 1650 y 1800 masl. Washed coffee with cupping notes to blackberry, blueberries, chocolate.

Ethiopia Guji natural Mi’essa Robe

Ethiopia Guji natural Mi’essa Robe

This is an Ethiopia Guji coffee with its own name: Mi’essa Robe, the responsible coffee farmer. Total traceability and cupping notes of blueberry, violet, white chocolate.

Colombia Pink Bourbon by Nestor Lasso

Colombia Pink Bourbon by Nestor Lasso

This coffee from producer Nestor Lassoo is from the Colombia Pink Bourbon variety processed with a double anaerobic fermentation, thermal shock and natural.

Sumatra Coffee by Hendra Maulizar

Sumatra Coffee by Hendra Maulizar

Sumatra Coffee, from Indonesia, fresh and freshly roasted. An excellent example of a washed coffee with peach, honey and jasmine cupping notes.

Carbon Neutral Brazil Coffee by Vila Boa

Carbon Neutral Brazil Coffee by Vila Boa

Vila Boa farm cultivates specialty Brazil Coffee with a neutral carbon footprint. Try the 2022 harvest with Berries, chocolate, violet cupping notes.

Huila coffee by Jose Gregorio Calderon

Huila coffee by Jose Gregorio Calderon

This Huila coffee is a specialty coffee cultivated at 1700 masl by José Gregorio, a Colombian coffee farmer. 2022 Harvest.

Burundi coffee Nkonge Long Miles

Burundi coffee Nkonge Long Miles

Burundi Coffee Nkonge is the name of the hill where the small producers who have contributed their cherries for this lot live and grow their coffees.

Colombian coffee El Rubi project

Colombian coffee El Rubi project

El Rubí is the name of a small group of producers in Planadas, a small rural town in the department of Tolima, a region of Colombia.

Pacamara anaerobic coffee by CATA Project

Pacamara anaerobic coffee by CATA Project

The name of this coffee refers to an exciting project developed by Catalina, from CATA Coffee. It aims to give visibility and improve the conditions of small coffee producers in the municipality of Salado Blanco, in the Huila coffee region, Colombia.

Nestor Lasso Sidra lot El Diviso farm

Nestor Lasso Sidra lot El Diviso farm

Nestor Lasso is a young coffee farmer who, at the age of 22, has taken over the family farm together with his brother, Adrian. Five years ago, he decided to take charge of the coffee production of the 14 hectares family’s farm.

Indonesian coffee Kerinci anaerobic 168 hours

Indonesian coffee Kerinci anaerobic 168 hours

Kerinci is the name of an active volcano on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. This coffee has been grown at the foot of the volcano by small producers grouped in the Koerintji Barokah Bersama cooperative.Indonesian coffee Kerinci anaerobic 168 hours

Papua New Guinea coffee Lamari

Papua New Guinea coffee Lamari

Espresso. Mora, melaza, chocolate. Origen: Eastern Highlands. Height: 1,700 – 2,000 masl. Variety: Arusha, Bourbon, Typica. Process: Lavado. Producers: Smallholders. Lamari is the name of a river in the Eastern Highlands coffee region of Papua New Guinea.

Thermal Shock coffee Yenny Esperanza Bermudez

Thermal Shock coffee Yenny Esperanza Bermudez

Yenny Esperanza Bermudez is the person behind this innovative coffee. Yenny is a Colombian lawyer who, along with her four brothers, changed her lifestyle and started a family coffee business.

Daanisa coffee Heirloom variety

Daanisa coffee Heirloom variety

Daanisa is the name of an umbrella-shaped tree under which coffee is planted in the Guji region of Ethiopia. This allows the coffee plants to grow in the shade of this indigenous medicinal tree. Is also the name given to a sub-locality in the Guji region, in Ethiopia.

Mexican coffee produced by Luis Ordoñez

Mexican coffee produced by Luis Ordoñez

Filter & espresso Grape, white chocolate, nectarine  Chiapas  1.456 – 1.600 masl.  Garnica & Bourbon  Washed  Luis Ordoñez  Harvest 2022 Mexican coffee produced by Luis Ordoñez This coffee is named after the person that makes it possible: Luis Ordoñez, a...

Brazilian coffee from Mantiqueira Mountains

Brazilian coffee from Mantiqueira Mountains

EspressoPraline, chocolate, vanilla  Serra da Mantequeira  1.100 – 1.300 masl.  Yellow Bourbon  Pulped natural  Pequeños productores  2022 Harvest Brazilian coffee from Mantiqueira MountainsMantiqueira Mountains coffee has been produced by smallholders in the town of...

New specialty coffee from Perú produced by women

New specialty coffee from Perú produced by women

Espresso Chocolate, mandarina, sirope de arce    Amazonas  1.300-1.800 msnm.  Catimor, Caturra y Typica  Lavado  Pequeños productores  Cosecha 2020 Un café de especialidad de Perú con propósito producido por mujeres Café de mujeres JUMARP (Asociación de...

Geisha Coffee the Most Sought After Variety

Geisha Coffee the Most Sought After Variety

The geisha coffee that we bring to you, grown on the Alto la Estrella farm, is a magnificent example of what we can expect from a coffee of this variety.

Sweet and tropical natural processed coffee by Romario Umaña

Sweet and tropical natural processed coffee by Romario Umaña

Filtro & Espresso Banana, grapes, white chocolate  Tarrazu  1.900 masl.  Red Catuaí  Natural  Romario Umaña Sweet and tropical natural processed coffee by Romario UmañaRomario Umaña founded his own washing station to process coffee from his farm in 2019, under the...

Serto 74112 from Bookkisa washing station

Serto 74112 from Bookkisa washing station

Filter & EspressoPeach, bergamot, jasmine  Guji  2.173 msnm.  Gibirinna 74110 & Serto 74112  Natural  Smallholders Serto 74112 from Bookkisa washing stationBookkisa is the name of the sub-kebele where this fantastic grade 1 Ethiopian comes from. A kebele is...

Kenyan coffee from Ichuga washing station

Kenyan coffee from Ichuga washing station

FilterApricot, blueberry, lemonade  Nyeri  1.700 msnm.  SL28 & SL34  Washed  Smallholders  Harvest 2022 Kenyan coffee from Ichuga washing stationIchuga is the name of a drying mill operated by the Kiama coffee cooperative. It is located in the Nyeri region, a town...

Indian coffee from Meghal Estate

Indian coffee from Meghal Estate

Espresso. Tasting notes: Cacao nibs, orange, spices. Origen: Baba Budangiri – India. Height: 1.100 msnm. Variety: S-795. Process: Washed. Producers: Meghal State, a farm located in the Baba Budangiri Hills in South India.

Ethiopian coffee from Telita washing station

Ethiopian coffee from Telita washing station

Filter & Espresso. Tasting notes: Peach compote, vanilla, tarte tatin . Origen: Jimma – Ethiopia. Height: 2,000 masl. Variety: Red Gibirinna 74110 & Serto 74112. Process: Washed. Producers: Smallholders. Telila is the washing station run by Mike Mamo, an agronomist specialising in the cultivation of specialty coffees

Fraijanes coffee from finca La Nueva Montaña

Fraijanes coffee from finca La Nueva Montaña

Filter & Espresso. Tasting notes: Strawberry jam, tamarind, jelly bean. Origen: Fraijanes-Guatemala. Height: 1,550-1,850 masl. Variety: Red Catuaí. Process: Natural. Producers: Antonio Gonzales & Eby Aracely. La Nueva Montaña is the name of the farm run by Antonio and Eby.

Red Catuai from renowned farm Santa Rosa 1900

Red Catuai from renowned farm Santa Rosa 1900

Filter & Espresso Candied lemon, magnolia, baked apple  Tarrazú  1.900 masl.  Red Catuaí  Reposado & Whased  Naranjo Family  Red Catuai from renowned farm Santa Rosa 1900Santa Rosa 1900 is the name of the processing plant founded by Efraín Naranjo and his...

Huehuetenango coffee produced at Finca Mumuxa

Huehuetenango coffee produced at Finca Mumuxa

Filter & Espresso. Tasting notes: Pink Lady, grapes, gummy bear. Origen: Huehuetenango-Guatemala. Height: 1,750-1,850 masl. Variety: Caturra. Process: Washed. Producers: Alonso Ramírez. The humid climate this creates at the farm throughout the year is ideal for growing high-quality coffee.

Guatemalan coffee from Las Brisas farm

Guatemalan coffee from Las Brisas farm

Filter. Tasting notes: Custard, hazelnut, chocolate. Origen: Fraijanes-Guatemala. Height: 1,600-1,700 masl.. Variety: Pache, Catuaí. Process: Washed. Producers: Marvin Carias. A farm located near the department of Mataquescuintla, in the Jalapa region, south-east of the Republic of Guatemala.

Coffee From Lombardia Farm Against Climate Change

Coffee From Lombardia Farm Against Climate Change

EspressoChocolate, blackberry, date  Santa Ana  1,000 masl.  Bourbon, Pacas  Natural anaerobic 120h  Rodolfo Ruffatti Coffee From Lombardia Farm Against Climate ChangeLombardia is the name of one of Ruffatti’s family estates in El Salvador. It is a farm located 1,000...

Gibirinna 74110 from Shoondhisa washing station

Gibirinna 74110 from Shoondhisa washing station

Filtro y espresso. Tasting notes: Violet, raspberry, floral. Origen: Guji-Ethiopia. Height: 2,173 masl.. Variety: Gibirinna 74110 & Serto 74112. Process: Natural. Producers: Smallholders. A specialty coffee from Ethiopia.

São Silvestre Carbonic 168h coffee from Brazil

São Silvestre Carbonic 168h coffee from Brazil

Filtro y espresso. Tasting notes: Mon Cheri, Christmas Cake, spices. Origen: Serra do Salitre-Brazil. Height: 1.200 masl. Variety: Red Catuaí. Process: Carbonic Maceration natural 168h. Producers: Andrade Brothers. A specialty coffee from Brazil.

Cyato a specialty coffee from Smallholders in Rwanda

Cyato a specialty coffee from Smallholders in Rwanda

Filter & espresso. Tasting notes: Peaches in syrup, rooibos, vanilla. Origen: Nyamasheke-Rwanda. Height: 1,800-2,200 masl. Variety: Red Bourbon. Process: Washed. Producers: Smallholders. A specialty coffee from Rwanda.

Rugali anoxic natural a competition lot from Rwanda

Rugali anoxic natural a competition lot from Rwanda

Filter & espresso. Tasting notes: Tutti Frutti, fig, wine gums. Origen: Nyamasheke-Rwanda. Height: 1,450-1,6800 masl. Variety: Red Bourbon. Process: Natural Anoxic 48h. Producers: Smallholders. A coffee from Rwanda is almost always a safe bet, but in this case it is not only safe, it is a winning bet.

From Burundi a natural coffee, sweet and floral grown at 1,800 masl

From Burundi a natural coffee, sweet and floral grown at 1,800 masl

Filter & espresso. Tasting notes: Berries, blueberry, toffee. Origen: Muyinga-Burundi. Height: 1,650-1,800 masl. Variety: Red Bourbon. Process: Natural. Producers: Smallholders. The Busasa washing station is the meeting point for smallholders from the town of Ruvubu, in the Muyinga province of Burundi.

A clean and floral coffee from Yandaro Burundi

A clean and floral coffee from Yandaro Burundi

Filter & espresso. Creme caramel, mandarin, magnolia. Origen: Kayanza-Burundi. Height: 1,800 masl. Variety: Red Bourbon. Process: Washed. Producers: Smallholders. Yandaro is the name of a washing station that is located in the province of Kayanza, in Burundi and near the border with Rwanda

Anaerobic specialty coffee from Santa Ana Volcano

Anaerobic specialty coffee from Santa Ana Volcano

Filter & espressoWhite chocolate, pear, vanilla  Volcán Santa Ana  1,650 masl.  Red Bourbon  Natural Anaerobic 48h.  Jaime & William Catota Anaerobic specialty coffee from Santa Ana VolcanoMiramar and the Last 'Coffee Mohicans'Miramar is the name of Jaime...

Suke Quto a community coffee

Suke Quto a community coffee

Filter & espresso. Peach, vanilla, panela. Origen: Guji. Height: 1,800 – 2,200 masl. Variety: Kurume, Welicho. Process: Washed. Producers: Smallholders. Suke Quto is the name of the washing station established by Tesfaye Bekele, one of the pioneers of coffee cultivation in the Guji region of the Shakisso.

Boji a coffee from Yirgacheffe

Boji a coffee from Yirgacheffe

Filter & espresso. Berries, honey, jasmine. Origin: Yirgacheffe. Altitude: 2,100 – 2,300 masl. Variety: Heirloom. Process: Natural. Producer: Small producers. Boji is the name of a washing station in Kochere, a district of Ethiopia known for the quality of its coffees.

Karani AB a kenyan coffee grown in volcanic soil

Karani AB a kenyan coffee grown in volcanic soil

Filter. Apricot, mandarin, white chocolate. Origin: Kirinyaga. Altitude: 1,700 – 1,800 masl. Variety: SL28 & SL34. Process: Washed. Smallholders. Harvest 2021.Karani is the name of the factory (in Kenya they call coffee mills factories) located in the Kirinyaga region where this coffee…

Specialty coffee from Sao Silvestre Brazil

Specialty coffee from Sao Silvestre Brazil

Espresso. White chocolate, biscuit, plum. Serra do Salitre 1,220 aslm. Yellow Icatú. Pulped natural. Andrade Brothers. Specialty coffee from Sao Silvestre Brazil. São Silvestre means Immaculate Wildness and it’s the name this farm was given by its owners, the Andrade brothers due to its natural…

Direct trade with Rodolfo Ruffatti from Finca el Salvador

Direct trade with Rodolfo Ruffatti from Finca el Salvador

Filter & Espresso. Cola, orange blossom, hops. Apaneca-Ilamatepec. 1,450 – 1,640 masl. Red Bourbon. Natural. Rodolfo Ruffatti. Finca El Salvador, FES, is a family farm run by Rodolfo Ruffatti located in the north face of Cerro El Águila in the Ahuachapan / Apaneca-llamatepec mountain…

New seasonal espresso from Chontalí in Peru

New seasonal espresso from Chontalí in Peru

Espresso. Chocolate, orange, orange blossom. Cajamarca. 1,700 – 2,000 masl. Caturra, Catimor, Typica. Washed. Small producers. New seasonal espresso from Chontalí in Peru. Estela de Chontalí is a small town in the Chontali district, which is located in the northern part of the Jaén province, Cajamarca…

Kangurumai a volcanic coffee from Muranga

Kangurumai a volcanic coffee from Muranga

FilterTropical fruits, honey, hibiscus  Muranga  1,500 - 1,630 masl.  SL28, SL34, Batian  Washed  Small producers Kangurumai un café de terreno volcánico en Muranga Kangurumai is the name of the mill operated by the Kangurumai Cooperative Society, a cooperative...

White honey process by Iván Solís in Costa Rica

White honey process by Iván Solís in Costa Rica

EspressoWhite chocolate, vanilla, Jasmine  Tarrazú  1.500-1.900 msnm.  Caturra, Catuaí  White honey  Iván Solís Proceso white honey de Iván Solís en Costa Rica Iván Solís, una historia de éxito La historia de Iván Solís es una historia de éxito construida sobre la...

Direct trade anaerobic fermentation coffee

Direct trade anaerobic fermentation coffee

Filter & Espresso 48 hours: Cola, pear, vanilla 120 hours: Cola, applesauce, rum    Apaneca-Ilamatepec  1,450 – 1,640 masl.  Red Bourbon  Anaerobic Natural 48 hours  Anaerobic Natural 120 hours  Ruffatti Family Direct trade anaerobic fermentation coffeethanks...

Idido Coffee from Yirgacheffe Region

Idido Coffee from Yirgacheffe Region

Idido Coffee from Yirgacheffe RegionThe Idido washing station is named after the small town in which it is located. Idido is located in the Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia, a place well known for the quality of its coffees. The Idido washing station is a cooperative...

12 Small Producers and a Great Coffee by Mario Recinos

12 Small Producers and a Great Coffee by Mario Recinos

Mario Recinos is a man who loves his people, loves his country and loves coffee. We owe the name of this coffee to him and it is a small token of appreciation for his great work. Mario facilitates, organizes and promotes the export of specialty coffee and ensures fair...

A sweet and balanced coffee from Acacia Hills in Tanzania

A sweet and balanced coffee from Acacia Hills in Tanzania

Acacia Hills Estate is located in the fertile valley of the Ngorogoro volcano, in Tanzania and at 1,900 meters above sea level, it is the farm at the highest altitude within the region. In 2007 Leon and Aideen Christianakis, local coffee producers from…

Sweet and fruity high altitude espresso from Alto del Obispo

Sweet and fruity high altitude espresso from Alto del Obispo

Alto del Obispo coffee is grown in the Colombian municipality of San Agustín, which is located at an altitude of 1,900 meters above sea level. Thanks to its altitude, climate and terrain, this region of the department of Huila, in Colombia, has become a place where some of the…

High altitude coffee from the Reko smallholders

High altitude coffee from the Reko smallholders

Reko refers to the coffee grown by a small community in the Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia that processes their coffee at the Aricha washing station. The name refers to the Reko-Mountain, a tall and skinny mountain that towers above the hills of Kochere…

Exceptional anaerobic washed coffee from Nemba in Burundi

Exceptional anaerobic washed coffee from Nemba in Burundi

Nemba station lies in the northern province of Kayanza. Each washing station is managed and led by an agronomist. This agronomist oversees the implementation of good agricultural practice and farmer education. They collaborate with the producers…

Pe de Cedro in Brazil and its Red Bourbon

Pe de Cedro in Brazil and its Red Bourbon

When Edson Morais de Barros bought Pe de Cedro Estate in 2012, it already had a reputation for producing high quality coffee. As the current owner, Edson continues to build the potential of the farm and the Mantiqueira de Minas region.

Baroida farm specialty coffee from Papua New Guinea

Baroida farm specialty coffee from Papua New Guinea

Baroida Estate. Specialty coffee from Papua New Guinea. Named for a spirit living in a large, steadfast river rock, Baroida estate consistently produces some of the highest quality coffee from Papua New Guinea. Thanks to meticulous separation for quality control, the high quality of this…

Pink bourbon from Las Delicias farm in Colombia

Pink bourbon from Las Delicias farm in Colombia

Pink Bourbon is a rare and coveted varietal. A hybrid of Yellow and Red Bourbon, this coffee stands out in every way—from the beautiful pink color of the cherries to the incredibly sweet and complex flavor of its seeds.

Ngororero clean and floral specialty coffee from Rwanda

Ngororero clean and floral specialty coffee from Rwanda

Ngororero is a washing station to keep a close eye on. It is located right next to Matyazo washing station. We do find some of the same characteristic floral flavour notes in the Ngororero coffees as well.

Macerated 90h top specialty coffee from Finca Dayana in Honduras

Macerated 90h top specialty coffee from Finca Dayana in Honduras

Filter & Espresso Tamarind, pear, spices    Copán  1.400 masl.  IHCAFE90  90h. Macerated natural  Edy Mauricio Deras Specialty coffee from Finca Dayana in Honduras Macerated 90h.Finca Dayana 10 years of Edy MauricioEdy Mauricio Deras vive en la región de...

Yulchen specialty coffee grown between the stones

Yulchen specialty coffee grown between the stones

Espresso Nectarina, chocolate, vainilla    Huehuetenango  1.740-1.810 msnm.  Caturra y Bourbon  Lavado  Sebastián Díaz Ramírez  Cosecha 2020 Yulchen café de especialidad cultivado entre las rocas de Huehuetenango Productor de segunda generación de café de...

Chelichele from Yirgacheffe is a classic sweet and floral profile

Chelichele from Yirgacheffe is a classic sweet and floral profile

Filtro & Espresso Melocotón, melón, jazmín    Yirgacheffe  1.945-1.970 msnm.  Heirloom  Lavado  Pequeños productores  Cosecha 2020 Café de especialidad Chelichele de Yirgacheffe Café sin fronteras. Es sabido que el café trasciende fronteras, nacionales e...

Banko Gothigi a delicate and floral specialty coffee from Yirgacheffe

Banko Gothigi a delicate and floral specialty coffee from Yirgacheffe

Filtro & Espresso Frutos rojos, naranja, floral    Yirgacheffe  1.870-1.980 msnm.  Heirloom  Natural  Pequeños productores  Cosecha 2020 Banko Gothigi Specialty Coffee from EthiopiaA classic Yirgacheffe cup profile. We already know that coffee goes beyond...

Burundi’s finest specialty coffee thanks to Ngogomo’s outstanding work

Burundi’s finest specialty coffee thanks to Ngogomo’s outstanding work

Filtro & Espresso Toffee, ciruela, lichi    Muyinga  1.689 msnm.  Bourbon rojo  Lavado  Pequeños productores Gran café de especialidad de Burundi Hay 1.802 pequeños productores de café en Gasorwe, Burundi, que entregan su cereza a la Estación Central de...

Finca Palo Blanco a sweet and chocolatey espresso

Finca Palo Blanco a sweet and chocolatey espresso

Espresso Turrón, naranja, chocolate con leche    Huehuetenango  1.600 msnm.  Caturra, Catuaí, Bourbon  Lavado  Petrona Pérez Finca Palo Blanco Debido a la ubicación de la finca, en un valle entre La Democracia y San Antonio Huista, los cafetos de la finca Palo...

Matyazo is one of Rwanda’s great Specialty Coffees

Matyazo is one of Rwanda’s great Specialty Coffees

Filter Raspberry, hibiscus, honey    Western Province  1.719 masl.  Bourbon  Washed  Smallholders Matyazo un gran café de especialidad de Ruanda La cooperativa Matyazo fue fundada en 2009. Con la ayuda de la agencia de desarrollo Technoserve, un grupo de...

Great Ethiopian coffee thanks to the effort of Binitu Ambela’s smallholders

Great Ethiopian coffee thanks to the effort of Binitu Ambela’s smallholders

Etiopía Melocotón, melón, jazmín    Guji  1.900 - 1.980 msnm.  Heirloom  Lavado  Pequeños productores Gran café Etíope de Ambela La estación de lavado Ambela está situada en el distrito de Binitu Ambela, en la zona de Guji, Etiopía, y proporciona ingresos a 6.000...

Coffee from El Perezoso in the West Valley Costa Rica

Coffee from El Perezoso in the West Valley Costa Rica

​Filter & EspressoChocolate, praline, amaretto  West Valley  1.540 masl.  Villa Sarchi, Red & Yelow Catuaí   Whased  Coopro Naranjo Coffee from El Perezoso in the West Valley Costa RicaEl Perezoso is the name of one of the lomas (small hills) from which this...

Bekele Lagey from the champagne region of coffee

Bekele Lagey from the champagne region of coffee

Filtro & Espresso Fresa, té blanco, mandarina    Yirgacheffe  1.800 - 2.200 msnm.  Dega, Wolisho y Kudhum (Orgánico)  Natural  Pequeños productores Bekele Lagey de la región del champán del café Para este excelente café etíope, nos unimos a los chicos de...

Muchagara AB one of the oldest washing stations in Kenya

Muchagara AB one of the oldest washing stations in Kenya

Filter Blackcurrant, strawberry jam, floral    Kirinyaga  1.800 masl.  SL28 & SL34  Washed  Small producers Muchagara AB una de las estaciones de Kenia Este lote en particular es un AB de la estación de lavado Muchagara. La estación de lavado de Muchagara es...

San Francisco from Cordillera Central in Costa Rica

San Francisco from Cordillera Central in Costa Rica

San Francisco Praline, chocolate, apricot    Tarrazu  1.750 masl.  Caturra & Catuai  Washed  Edgar Fallas & family San Francisco equilibrado y dulce de la Cordillera Central de Costa Rica La finca San Francisco se encuentra en el distrito del mismo...

Shakisso from Ethiopia is the result of the Haile Gebre’s outstanding work

Shakisso from Ethiopia is the result of the Haile Gebre’s outstanding work

Ethiopía Plum, green apple, spices    Guji  1.800 masl.  Heirloom  Washed  Haile Gebre Shakisso desde Etiopía el resultado del trabajo incansable de Haile Gebre La finca Shakisso se encuentra en la zona de Guji, en la parte sur de Oromia, una de las regiones más...

Sustainable and delicious meet Marcial Olivera from Peru

Sustainable and delicious meet Marcial Olivera from Peru

Perú Nectarine, honey, creamy.    Nuevo Trujillo  1.776 masl.  Caturra  Washed  Marcial Olivera Díaz Café de Perú de precio justo de la variedad Caturra Marcial Olivera Díaz es el dueño de una pequeña finca de 3 hectáreas en el pueblo Nuevo Trujillo de San José...

Coffee of southern Rwanda on the slopes of Huye Mountain

Coffee of southern Rwanda on the slopes of Huye Mountain

Rwanda Raspberry, chocolate, rum    Huye  1.600 – 2.300 masl.  Red Bourbon  Washed  Small producers Café de la ladera del monte Huye al sur de Ruanda Situada en la ladera del Monte Huye al sur de Ruanda, esta estación de lavado privada es propiedad de David...

Silky and clean bourbon from Bushoki washing station in Ruanda

Silky and clean bourbon from Bushoki washing station in Ruanda

Rwanda Plum, grapefruit, honey    Rulindo  1.776 masl.  Red Bourbon  Washed  Small producers Presentamos Bushoki de la variedad Red Bourbon desde Ruanda Ruanda cuenta con unas condiciones ideales para el cultivo de café de calidad. Las principales son una gran...

Roi AB a Kenyan coffee grown in volcanic soil

Roi AB a Kenyan coffee grown in volcanic soil

The Roi Estate is a small estate located in Kiambu county just north of Nairobi on the foothills of the Aberdare ridge. It grows coffee at altitudes of 1700 metres above sea level in red volcanic soil…

Biftu Gudina a favorite from the heart of Ethiopia

Biftu Gudina a favorite from the heart of Ethiopia

Ethiopia Apricot, hops, jasmine    Jimma  1.900 - 2.000 masl.  Heriloom, orgánic  Washed Small producers Biftu Gudina a favorite from the heart of Ethiopia Derived from Amharic language, Biftu Gudina means "ray of development". The cooperative was established in...

La Bolsa in Guatemala is more than specialty coffee

La Bolsa in Guatemala is more than specialty coffee

Guatemala Cherry, chocolate, applesauce.    Huehuetenango  1,500 – 1,700 masl.  Bourbon & Caturra  Washed  María & Renardo Vides La Bolsa in Guatemala is more than specialty coffee Finca La Bolsa was bought by Jorge Vides, a distinguished medical...

Karindundu AB high altitude coffee from mount Kenya

Karindundu AB high altitude coffee from mount Kenya

Kenya Orange, fig, grapefruit    Nyeri  1,850 masl.  SL28, Ruiru 11, SL28 Rootstock  Washed  Small producers Karindundu AB high altitude coffee from mount Kenya Karindundu is one of four coffee factories (washing stations) within the Barichu Cooperative Society....

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Andalusia AeroPress Championship 2021

Andalusia AeroPress Championship 2021

The Andalusia AeroPress Championship 2021 took place this year on July 3rd. After last year’s break, due to the circumstances that we all know, we were very excited for this edition. It has become an important date for all coffee lovers in Andalusia. Due to the safety measures that we still had to take , this year we decided…

Andalucía AeroPress Championship 2019

Andalucía AeroPress Championship 2019

Last June 22nd we celebrated the Andalusia AeroPress Championship 2019 in Ineffable Coffee. Once again we had the pleasure of having great baristas, toasters and enthusiasts from our growing coffee community in Andalusia. The competition was a success and was full of beautiful moments, hugs,...

Andalucía AeroPress Championship 2018

Andalucía AeroPress Championship 2018

Andalucía AeroPress Championship 2018 On June 30th 2018 we celebrated the first AeroPress championship in history in Andalusia. We had a great time! We celebrated it in our roaster, Ineffable Coffee, with music, food, beer, lots of coffee and above all, with all of you, the best baristas and...

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