Brewing method: Espresso

Cupping notes: Berries, chocolate, violet


 Sul de Minas


 1,030 m.






 Monica Borges

Ineffable Coffee. Café de especialidad, fresco de temporada y recién tostado.

 2022 Harvest

Fazenda Vila Boa is a coffee farm located in Campos das Vertentes, in the south of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Founded over 100 years ago, it is managed by Monica Borges and her husband, who have placed great emphasis on sustainability and the social impact of their project. This has a very positive impact in the overall Brazil coffee industry.

The Campos das Vertentes region is characterised by high plateaus with an average altitude of 1030 metres above sea level, regular precipitation and mild temperatures throughout the year. These conditions are ideal for growing specialty coffee in Brazil.

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Carbon Neutral Brazil Coffee by Vila Boa 1

Positive Social and Environmental Impact

Cafe Brasil carbono neutral de Fazenda Vila Boa - Brazil Coffee
The farm’s focus is on producing high-quality specialty coffees while improving the social and environmental impact of the project. The farm has over 100 years of history and has always been very aware of its social and environmental impact, setting an example for the Brazil coffee industry.

Fazenda Vila Boa is an important employment centre in the region, providing work and support to almost 450 people from the nearby communities through social projects and direct employment.

In addition, the farm is one of the few in Brazil that has been certified as carbon neutral by GRÖN. The carbon-neutral certification demonstrates that the farm absorbs more carbon (through plant life) than it emits (through harvesting and processing), thus contributing to the fight against climate change and setting an example for Brazil coffee cultivation.

Coffee Cultivation in the Campos das Vertentes Region

Cafe Brasil carbono neutral de Fazenda Vila Boa
The Campos das Vertentes region is located in the heart of the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil. The region gets its name, which literally means “watershed fields,” due to its location between two important hydrographic basins in Brazil.

This, along with fertile soils and abundant water, creates an ideal microclimate for growing specialty Brazil coffee.

Cafe Brasil carbono neutral de Fazenda Vila Boa
In the area it rains regularly and temperatures are mild throughout the year. However, the harvest season has a dry climate, which favours post-harvest procedures.

The difference in temperatures during the harvest and processing seasons offers good conditions for the ripening cycle.

This Lot’s Processing

Cafe Brasil carbono neutral de Fazenda Vila Boa - Brazil Coffee
At Fazenda Vila Boa, coffee is selectively harvested and only ripe, red-coloured fruit is collected. Then, it undergoes a quality control to remove cherries that may have defects or are not ripe.

This Brazil coffee lot has been processed using the natural method, unlike most coffees in the region, which is processed as “pulped natural” or honey. This means that the coffee beans are left to dry in the cherry before pulping them.

Cafe Brasil carbono neutral de Fazenda Vila Boa
Once the cherries have been harvested and selected, they are spread out on patios to dry in the sun. To ensure even drying, the coffee is frequently raked.

The end result is a coffee with cupping notes that stand out for its fruity and sweet profile, largely due to the natural processing technique and the unique growing conditions in the region. The beans are medium-sized and uniform, and we can find notes of forest fruits, chocolate, and violet.

Brazilian coffee and the example of Fazenda Vila Boa

Cafe Brasil carbono neutral de Fazenda Vila Boa
In Brazil coffee is an industry of great economic and social importance. With nearly 40% of the world’s coffee production, Brazil is the world’s leading producer, with around 3.7 million tons of coffee per year.

Most Brazilian coffee is grown on large farms that have opted for mechanical harvesting and processing to maximise production, however, there is a growing trend towards the production of specialty and sustainable coffees, such as coffee from Fazenda Vila Boa.

Fazenda Vila Boa is an example of how high-quality coffee production can be achieved with a positive social and environmental impact.

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