Chocolate, blackberry, date
Origen  Santa Ana
Altura  1,000 masl.
Variedad  Bourbon, Pacas
Proceso  Natural anaerobic 120h
Productor  Rodolfo Ruffatti
Coffee From Lombardia Farm at 1,000 masl
Lombardia is the name of one of Ruffatti’s family estates in El Salvador.

It is a farm located 1,000 meters above sea level and where coffee has been grown since 1970.

The Lombardia farm is located in the Santa Ana region, where coffee has traditionally been grown.

But now it is one of the few farms remaining in this region that maintain this type of crop and through it helps maintain the biodiversity necessary for coffee plants to grow in optimal conditions.

The origin of the Lombardia farm

Coffee From Lombardia Farm at 1,000 masl
The Ruffatti family emigrated from Italy to El Salvador, to dedicate themselves to the cultivation of coffee, around 1934 and bought their first farm called “El Salvador”.

In 1970 they bought the Lombardia farm in the Santa Ana region. At that time almost all the plantations in this region were dedicated to coffee.

Since then, coffee profits have fallen dramatically, driven by speculation in financial markets. As a result, many of the coffee growers have had to change crops and are now engaged in corn.

From growing coffee to corn (and the effects this has had)

Coffee From Lombardia Farm at 1,000 masl
The shift from coffee to corn has had disastrous consequences for the environment in this region.

The cultivation of coffee needs biodiversity and vegetation to create a microclimate and trees for shade.

In addition, the quality of the land is also very important and for this a rich variety of vegetation and a balanced ecosystem are essential.

Due to diminishing profits of growing coffee in recent years, many of the coffee growers in this area have had to abandon this crop and switch to corn.

For this, they have burned large areas of forest and vegetation that were previously used to grow coffee, leading to a progressive desertification of the region.

In addition, the monoculture of corn requires pesticides and chemicals that impoverish the quality of the land and its chemical biodiversity.

All this is due to the fact that coffee is a product that is bought and sold in financial markets and whose price is speculated in future markets.

The Lombardia farm bets on specialty coffee

Coffee From Lombardia Farm at 1,000 masl
To combat this, the Lombardia farm has opted for specialty coffee and a direct trade with the roasters.

The cultivation of specialty coffee requires biodiversity and a balanced ecosystem, which is why the Lombardia farm remains a bulwark against desertification and fighting to help the environment.

Coffee From Lombardia Farm at 1,000 masl
Specialty and direct trade with coffee results in higher profits for local producers, allowing them a more dignified life and the possibility to maintain this type of crop that benefits the environment and benefits us all.

Rodolfo Rufatti, grandson of the Rodolfo Rufatti who initiated the Ruffatti family in coffee cultivation in El Salvador, and who is now in charge of the family business, is introducing more biodiversity on the farm that indirectly also benefits quality of the coffee.

Coffee processing at Finca Lombardía

Coffee From Lombardia Farm at 1,000 masl
At the Lombardía farm they process the coffee following the “natural” method.

This means that the coffee cherries, once picked, are left to dry in beds until the desired humidity is reached before being pulped.

This method gives the resulting coffee a fruity but clean, balanced and sweet profile.

Each batch is processed individually and with great care by the Productor Coffee team under the supervision of Rodolfo Ruffatti.

The anaerobic fermentation processes

Coffee From Lombardia Farm at 1,000 masl
Anaerobic fermentation is a culinary process widely used with other foods and beverages, such as wine. It consists of letting the fruit, in this case the coffee cherries, ferment in hermetically sealed tanks so that no oxygen enters. These tanks also have a valve to expel the oxygen that remains inside.

Inside the tanks, microorganisms naturally present will begin to break down glucose molecules, a chemical reaction that generates CO2 and heat.

This will cause the oxygen in the tank to be displaced and expelled through the one-way valve.

The bacteria naturally found in the coffee cherry and in the mucilage produce enzymes during this process, which are what cause less complex compounds to be generated, such as organic acids and alcohol.

If you want to know more about this process, you can visit our article where we explain it in detail: Anaerobic coffee fermentation

Why is anaerobic fermentation used and how is it done?

Coffee From Lombardia Farm at 1,000 masl
Anaerobic fermentation has an impact on a coffee organoleptic profile.

This means that you can modify this profile to improve some of the qualities present in said coffee.

Once picked at their optimum point of ripeness, the cherries are left to ferment in hermetically sealed tanks for 120 hours.

In the case of this particular coffee, the process is done in plastic bags hermetically sealed, but this may vary with every producer.

The cherries can be placed to ferment pulped or without pulping, depending on the chosen processing method after fermentation, natural, washed or honey being the usual options.

For this natural lot, the cherries are left to dry on raised beds for approximately 2 weeks.

During this time, they should be turned regularly to ensure uniform drying.

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