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Knowledge and coffee culture

Coffee Grinders

Coffee Grinders

Coffee Grinders The Gilgamesh poem, whose composition is dated around 2500 BC., is the oldest epic narrative and one of the earliest examples of literary fiction. In one of its parts, the hero, Gilgamesh, plunges into the depths of the Persian Gulf to search for the...

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The origin of coffee, history and legend

The origin of coffee, history and legend

The origin of coffee, history and legendThe philosopher's stone, the Opus magnum of the alchemists, the legendary substance that everyone was looking for, capable of turning lead into gold and granting eternal youth to whoever obtained it, is a legend with a mystical...

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10 great documentaries about coffee you have to watch

10 great documentaries about coffee you have to watch

Documentaries are great to educate yourself in an entertaining way. They offer us a glimpse into worlds that we would not otherwise know. They can tell great stories in a real way, without having to sacrifice audiovisual quality. From nature documentaries to those with social content, when they are well done…

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Ground Coffee all you need to know in 2022

Ground Coffee all you need to know in 2022

Ground CoffeeMarco Polo is one of the best-known travellers and merchants, even though his travels took place in the 13th century. During his many trips, which led him to travel around Asia, especially present-day Mongolia and China, Marco Polo always traded. He...

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Coffee and cinema: a passionate relationship

Coffee and cinema: a passionate relationship

Coffee and cinema: a passionate relationshipEs conocido entre la gente del cine que las cámaras son caprichosas, hay cosas que les gustan y cosas que no. Por ejemplo, a una cámara le gusta cuando la brisa mece las hojas de un árbol. La primera escena de la película ‘A...

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What is Cold Brew Coffee and how to make it

What is Cold Brew Coffee and how to make it

"Give me a sun, I care not how hot, and sherbat, I care not how cool, and my Heaven is as easily made as your Persian’s." Lord Byron wrote these words in 1813 praising the sherbat, a popular drink in the Middle East since the early Middle Ages. In 1626, the...

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French Press Coffee Maker aka Plunger Coffee

French Press Coffee Maker aka Plunger Coffee

A French Press is a full immersion brewing method. No, it does not mean that you fully immerse yourself in coffee (although sometimes it would not be a bad idea …) but from start all the coffee is in contact with water…

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Anaerobic coffee fermentation

Anaerobic coffee fermentation

Anaerobic coffee fermentation Did you know that your muscles ferment? Well, maybe they should ferment. When you exercise very intensively (the kind of intense that makes you stiff the next day) your muscles produce lactic acid. Lactic acid is produced by glycolysis:...

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Whole Bean Coffee

Whole Bean Coffee

Imagine that you have been entrusted with a message and asked to keep it a secret. It is in an envelope and addressed to a specific person. To deliver it you have to travel and find that person. Throughout the trip, you struggle to keep the message hidden, but you do...

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Specialty Coffee

Specialty Coffee

Specialty Coffee. Not All Coffees Are EqualAll coffees are equal, but some coffees are more equal than others. We wanted to start by paraphrasing George Orwell, with this sentence taken from his satirical novel ‘Animal farm’, because it will help us understand what...

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