Meet the producers

Silky and clean bourbon from Bushoki washing station in Ruanda

Silky and clean bourbon from Bushoki washing station in Ruanda

Rwanda Plum, grapefruit, honey    Rulindo  1.776 masl.  Red Bourbon  Washed  Small producers Presentamos Bushoki de la variedad Red Bourbon desde Ruanda Ruanda cuenta con unas condiciones ideales para el cultivo de café de calidad. Las principales son una gran...

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Roi AB a Kenyan coffee grown in volcanic soil

Roi AB a Kenyan coffee grown in volcanic soil

The Roi Estate is a small estate located in Kiambu county just north of Nairobi on the foothills of the Aberdare ridge. It grows coffee at altitudes of 1700 metres above sea level in red volcanic soil…

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Biftu Gudina a favorite from the heart of Ethiopia

Biftu Gudina a favorite from the heart of Ethiopia

Ethiopia Apricot, hops, jasmine    Jimma  1.900 - 2.000 masl.  Heriloom, orgánic  Washed Small producers Biftu Gudina a favorite from the heart of Ethiopia Derived from Amharic language, Biftu Gudina means "ray of development". The cooperative was established in...

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La Bolsa in Guatemala is more than specialty coffee

La Bolsa in Guatemala is more than specialty coffee

Guatemala Cherry, chocolate, applesauce.    Huehuetenango  1,500 – 1,700 masl.  Bourbon & Caturra  Washed  María & Renardo Vides La Bolsa in Guatemala is more than specialty coffee Finca La Bolsa was bought by Jorge Vides, a distinguished medical...

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Karindundu AB high altitude coffee from mount Kenya

Karindundu AB high altitude coffee from mount Kenya

Kenya Orange, fig, grapefruit    Nyeri  1,850 masl.  SL28, Ruiru 11, SL28 Rootstock  Washed  Small producers Karindundu AB high altitude coffee from mount Kenya Karindundu is one of four coffee factories (washing stations) within the Barichu Cooperative Society....

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