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Meet the producers

Red Catuai from renowned farm Santa Rosa 1900

Red Catuai from renowned farm Santa Rosa 1900

Filter & Espresso Candied lemon, magnolia, baked apple  Tarrazú  1.900 masl.  Red Catuaí  Reposado & Whased  Naranjo Family  Red Catuai from renowned farm Santa Rosa 1900Santa Rosa 1900 is the name of the processing plant founded by Efraín Naranjo and his...

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Coffee From Lombardia Farm Against Climate Change

Coffee From Lombardia Farm Against Climate Change

EspressoChocolate, blackberry, date  Santa Ana  1,000 masl.  Bourbon, Pacas  Natural anaerobic 120h  Rodolfo Ruffatti Coffee From Lombardia Farm Against Climate ChangeLombardia is the name of one of Ruffatti’s family estates in El Salvador. It is a farm located 1,000...

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Anaerobic specialty coffee from Santa Ana Volcano

Anaerobic specialty coffee from Santa Ana Volcano

Filter & espressoWhite chocolate, pear, vanilla  Volcán Santa Ana  1,650 masl.  Red Bourbon  Natural Anaerobic 48h.  Jaime & William Catota Anaerobic specialty coffee from Santa Ana VolcanoMiramar and the Last 'Coffee Mohicans'Miramar is the name of Jaime...

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Direct trade with Rodolfo Ruffatti from Finca el Salvador

Direct trade with Rodolfo Ruffatti from Finca el Salvador

Filter & Espresso. Cola, orange blossom, hops. Apaneca-Ilamatepec. 1,450 – 1,640 masl. Red Bourbon. Natural. Rodolfo Ruffatti. Finca El Salvador, FES, is a family farm run by Rodolfo Ruffatti located in the north face of Cerro El Águila in the Ahuachapan / Apaneca-llamatepec mountain…

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New seasonal espresso from Chontalí in Peru

New seasonal espresso from Chontalí in Peru

Espresso. Chocolate, orange, orange blossom. Cajamarca. 1,700 – 2,000 masl. Caturra, Catimor, Typica. Washed. Small producers. New seasonal espresso from Chontalí in Peru. Estela de Chontalí is a small town in the Chontali district, which is located in the northern part of the Jaén province, Cajamarca…

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Direct trade anaerobic fermentation coffee

Direct trade anaerobic fermentation coffee

Filter & Espresso 48 hours: Cola, pear, vanilla 120 hours: Cola, applesauce, rum    Apaneca-Ilamatepec  1,450 – 1,640 masl.  Red Bourbon  Anaerobic Natural 48 hours  Anaerobic Natural 120 hours  Ruffatti Family Direct trade anaerobic fermentation coffeethanks...

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Baroida farm specialty coffee from Papua New Guinea

Baroida farm specialty coffee from Papua New Guinea

Baroida Estate. Specialty coffee from Papua New Guinea. Named for a spirit living in a large, steadfast river rock, Baroida estate consistently produces some of the highest quality coffee from Papua New Guinea. Thanks to meticulous separation for quality control, the high quality of this…

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Macerated 90h top specialty coffee from Finca Dayana in Honduras

Macerated 90h top specialty coffee from Finca Dayana in Honduras

Filter & Espresso Tamarind, pear, spices    Copán  1.400 masl.  IHCAFE90  90h. Macerated natural  Edy Mauricio Deras Specialty coffee from Finca Dayana in Honduras Macerated 90h.Finca Dayana 10 years of Edy MauricioEdy Mauricio Deras vive en la región de...

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Coffee from El Perezoso in the West Valley Costa Rica

Coffee from El Perezoso in the West Valley Costa Rica

​Filter & EspressoChocolate, praline, amaretto  West Valley  1.540 masl.  Villa Sarchi, Red & Yelow Catuaí   Whased  Coopro Naranjo Coffee from El Perezoso in the West Valley Costa RicaEl Perezoso is the name of one of the lomas (small hills) from which this...

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San Francisco from Cordillera Central in Costa Rica

San Francisco from Cordillera Central in Costa Rica

San Francisco Praline, chocolate, apricot    Tarrazu  1.750 masl.  Caturra & Catuai  Washed  Edgar Fallas & family San Francisco equilibrado y dulce de la Cordillera Central de Costa Rica La finca San Francisco se encuentra en el distrito del mismo...

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